National Academy of Agricultural Research Management PGDM Admission 2013

National Academy of Agricultural Research Management

A constituent Institute of Indian Council of Agricultural Research estd in 1976, Hyderabad
University of Hyderabad
A Central University estd by an Act of Parliament in 1974, Hyderabad

Admission Notice-2013

Post Graduate Diploma Admission-2013

Jointly offered PGD-TMA-2013

Post Graduate Diploma in Technology Management in Agriculture (PGD-TMA)-2013 

A Distance Education Programme

One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Technology Management in Agriculture (PGD-TMA) is a two semester course jointly offered by NAARM and UoH, the two leading institutions of the country on a distance learning mode
Intake: The intake of students to the programme will be limited to a maximum number of 100 excluding the sponsored candidates
The students graduating from PGD-TMA will have opportunity to enroll for membership in society for Technology Management (STEM), an organization that facilitates and promotes successful technology transfer processes and best practices in technology management in India
Eligibility: Post Graduates in Agricultural Sciences / Social Sciences / Physical Sciences / Management / Life Sciences / Engineering / Law
Graduates in Agricultural Sciences / Social Sciences / Physical Sciences / Management / Life Sciences / Engineering / Law with two years work experience
Selection Procedure: Admissions are made strictly on the basis of merit, academic record and professional experience
On receiving and scrutinizing the applications, the list of selected candidates will be prepared based on academic qualifications and relevant experience
The admission committee will be the final authority to decide the number of candidates to be admitted
Admission Procedure: The candidates selected for admission will be intimated by post/ mail individually under certificate of posting and also through email (address, if provided)
The list of selected candidates will also be displayed on the notice board at the PG Cell and the Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning UoH, and also on the Academy’s website
Only those, who pay the fees within the stipulated date, are treated as admitted
Reservation: Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/ PH students will be in accordance with the policy of the Govt of India, and the guidelines of the University Grants Commission
Students applying for this programme should submit, along with their application, a copy of their caste/ tribe certificate from a revenue officer not below the rank of Tehsildar/Mandal Revenue Officer
Foreign/NRI: Foreign students residing in India or abroad may also apply for admission in the prescribed form preferably by the stipulated date
Those who have passed the qualifying examination from universities outside India should enclose with their application copies of the relevant certificates and mark sheets together with the English version of such copies, duly attested, if they are in a different language
For admission to the programme, the foreign student concerned must have at least passed the qualifying examination
Proficiency in English is a pre-condition for admission
Application Form: For obtaining prospectus cum application form by post, candidates may send self-addressed envelope of 12”x10” size along with a demand draft of Rs 350/- (including registration fee) in favour of the ICAR Unit-NAARM A/c, payable at Hyderabad, to Joint Director (Admn) and Registrar, National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030
Application can be also downloaded from the website and sent by post to the Joint Director (Admn) and Registrar, National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030, along with a demand draft for Rs 300/- in favour of ICAR Unit-NAARM A/c payable at Hyderabad
Applicants are advised to write their names clearly on reverse side of demand draft
The following is to be submitted along with the admission application for registration; secondary school certificate (SSC) or matriculation (date of birth proof); intermediate/higher secondary education/10+2; degree marks memo; provisional/ original degree certificate; postgraduate degree provisional certificate and marks memo; experience certificate from current or former employer; SC/ST/OBC (latest)/PH certificate from competent authority (wherever applicable); photos four number (put inside an envelope/cover)
Applications completed in all respects accompanied by copies of relevant certificates (duly attested) should be sent to Joint Director (Admn) and Registrar, NAARM before the last date
Last date for receiving the duly completed application forms: 15th January, 2013


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