The principle objective of The Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund Intermediate Research Fellowship programme is to facilitate the careers of truly outstanding biomedical scientists by allowing them to gain experience in an international centre of excellence prior to establishing an independent research group of their own. Non-medical applicants will already have completed their PhD and will usually have 3-6 years of post-doctoral research experience. For medical graduates the Intermediate Fellowship is suitable for individuals who have obtained a PhD; in exceptional cases completion of clinical training during an Intermediate Fellowship may also be possible. Applicants for the Intermediate Fellowship will be expected to demonstrate their potential for achieving international status as researchers in leukaemia or a closely related field.

The Intermediate Fellowship will be for up to 4 years. The Fellowship will support the salary of the Fellow; applicants may also include a salary for technical support in their application and this will be considered on an individual basis. A significant proportion of their Fellowship (up to 3 years) may be spent in an appropriate institution outside the UK where this can be clearly demonstrated to be of significant benefit. In such cases applications can include a family allowance cost element in their application if appropriate.

Designation of Post : The incumbent will be designated Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund Intermediate Research Fellow.

Eligibility : Only scientists of the highest calibre will be offered a fellowship. If, in the judgement of the selection panel, no candidate of sufficiently high standard is found, then no appointment will be made. The candidate is likely to be a non-clinical biomedical scientist or a clinician with a background in basic research and have a recognised higher degree (PhD or equivalent), although exceptions may be made in special circumstances. They may be of any nationality, however they must be based in a university department or equivalent department in the UK with the expectation of remaining in the UK thereafter.

Research Proposal : The application should include a scientific proposal of up to 6 single-spaced pages plus references. It will be treated as a confidential document but will inevitably be seen by selected external reviewers.
Applicants should complete the approved Application Form which should be sent by email, in addition to providing a hard copy with original signatures. It must include the research proposal (aims, background, plan of investigation, justification for budget), CV and letter of support. Applications should also include a 2-page CV for each supervisor/mentor to include selected published papers and current grants. Interviews will take place in London.

Application Deadline : Applications for the 2011 awards should be received on or before 28 April 2011.

Contact :
The Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund
Allington House
150 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5AE

Email : info(AT)kklf.org.uk

Contact Number : 020 7410 0330

Source : http://www.kklf.org.uk/intermediate.html


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