1. LOGO : The height and width of a logo should be approximately equal. The logo should be clearly recognizable in small sizes such as icon and in black & white too. The logo should capture the aim of the scheme.

2. WORDMARK : Create an interesting typographical representation (font, color and style) of “Small Business Innovation Research Initiative” or its abbreviation i.e. “SBIRI”. You may also incorporate “Department of Biotechnology” or “DBT” and “Govt. of India” or “GoI”, if it fits appropriately. You are required to use a font from public domain for a wordmark.

LOGO and WORDMARK together will form the “graphic identity” of the scheme. Therefore, you are required to unite a logo with a wordmark in a form of a single design, that can become an attractive graphic identity of the scheme.

Who can Apply : The proposals can be made by any industry; or jointly by industry(ies)/ and public partner(s). A network programme of common interest to the sector/area concerned can be proposed by a group of industries and/or public partners. The lead applicant should be an industry.

Area of Coverage : The scheme covers all areas of biotechnology such as health-care; agriculture and allied areas; industrial processes & products; environmental biotechnology; bio-medical devices and bio-instrumentation; bioinformatics etc.

Application Deadline : The last date for submitting the designs is 15th September, 2010.

Awards : The winner will be given a certificate and a cash prize of Rs. 25,000 and two runner ups will be given Rs. 10,000/- each.

Application Procedure : Proposed designs along with Agreement should be submitted to Dr.(Mrs.) Suchita Ninawe, Scientist ‘E’, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Block No. 2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 and send a soft copy through email to sninawe@dbt.nic.in indicating the name, email and contact details of the sender.

1. The contest is open to all students doing their graduation or post graduation in design/graphic related fields who are interested in using their creativity and imagination.
2. The last date for submitting the designs is 15th September, 2010.
3. A participant can send a maximum of two entries separately.
4. A software must be used for designing the logo and the wordmark.
5. The design must be submitted in high quality editable images (such as svg, ai, psd formats). These will become property of the department. A brief write up describing the design may be provided.
6. The participant will submit the agreement indicating that the design is original and does not violate copyright laws and it is to be forwarded through your college/institute.
7. The department will form a panel of judges to identify the most appropriate design. All the entries will be coded before displaying them to the panel. The decision of the panel will be final. The panel may decide not to pick any of the submitted designs.

Contact : webhelp.dbt(AT)nic.in

Source : http://dbtindia.nic.in/sbiri/Logo%20Contest.doc


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