Title of Scheme : “Maulana Azad National Scholarship Scheme for Girls beloging to Minorities”
Objective : To recognize, promote and assist meritorious Girl students belonging to National Minorities who can not continue their education without financial support.
Eligibility :
1. Only Girl Students belonging to National Minorities, (i.e. Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsis) can apply :
2. Should have secured not less than 55% marks (in aggregate) in the secondary school certificate examination (Class xth) conducted by any recognized Centre/State Board of Secondary Education. The List of 33 recognized Boards/Councils is given in Annexure-III. This is only qualifying percentage for applying and does not guarantee grant of scholarship which is given to the top eligible applicant based on the quota fixed for the concerned state from amongst the eligible application received from the state.
3. Family income of the student from all sources should be less than Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh only) in the preceding financial year:
Purpose of Scholarship : Scholarship will be admissible for expenditure on payment of School/College Fee, purchase of syllabus books, purchase of stationery/equipments required for the course & payment of Boarding/Lodging charges.
Application Procedure :
1. Application can be downloaded from the web site Photocopy of the application form can be used freely. No fee/any other amount is to be paid for application.
2. Application form can be sent by the student directly to the Foundation by post or can be submitted by hand from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.on all working days in the office of the Foundation.
3. No charges/fee is to be paid to any one for any services.
4. Sanction letter/cheque for scholarship will sent by Regd. Post directly to the address of successful candidate on completion of prescribed papers/formalities.
5. For any query/information, only Secretary, MAEF should be contacted directly.
Application Deadline : The last date for receipt of application in the office of the Maulana Azad Education Foundation is August 31st which must be adhered to. The application of the scholarship received after 31st August, will not be entertained under any circumstances. MAEF will not be responsible for postal delay in the matter.
Awards : The amount of Scholarship will be Rs. 12,000/- (Rupees twelve thousand only) which will be released in two installments of Rs. 6,000/- each. The first installment will be released after sanction of scholarship and the second installment will be released when the student will submit proof of passing class XIth, and adminsson to Class XIIth in the office of the Foundation.
Contact :
Maulana Azad Education Foundation
(Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India)
Social Justice Service Centre, Chelmsford Road
Opposite New Delhi Railway Reservation Centre
New Delhi 110055
Contact Number : +91-11-23583788/23583789
Source :
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