IIMC, an Internationally-known centre for training and research in Mass Communication, an autonomous body funded by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt of India. Invites application for following courses:
1. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism (English), New Delhi & Dhenkanal branch (Orissa)
2. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism (Hindi), New Delhi
3. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Radio & Television Journalism, New Delhi
4. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Advertising and Public Relations, New Delhi
5. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism (Oriya) Dhenkanal branch (Orissa)

Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Those who have appeared/appearing in final degree examination are also eligible to apply.

No. of Seats: 62+62 in Course No. 1, 62 in Course No. 2, 46 in Course No. 3, 70 in Course No. 4 and 23 in Course No. 5. Five seats available for NRIs/NRIs sponsored candidates, for which a separate prescribed application form should be submitted.

Seats Reservation: As per Government of India Orders for SC/ST/PH/OBC candidates.

Duration: August 2010 to April 2011

Medium of Instruction: Hindi and/or English and Course No. 5 in Oriya.

Fee Details: Courses No.1 & 2 Rs. 38,000 each, Course No. 3 Rs. 84,000, Course No. 4. Rs. 53,000 and Course No. 5 Rs. 22,000.

Entrance Examination : 21 May, 2010 at New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Patna, Lucknow, Bhubaneshwar, Guwahati centres. Oriya Journalism Exam will be held on 20 May 2010 at Bhubaneshwar Centre only.

Application Procedure:
1. Application forms can be purchased in person or by post. Application forms and prospectus can be obtained on payment of Rs. 1100/- through a demand draft only, drawn on any scheduled bank payable to Registrar IIMC at New Delhi, from IIMC New Delhi or Dhenkanal branch (Orissa). Request for application forms should be accompanied with Demand Draft & a self-addressed stamped (Rs. 50) envelope (27×17 cm).
2. For on-line Application process The application form can be filled after downloading from Each application form must be accompanied by a Demand Draft for Rs. 1100/- for General & Rs.1000/- for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped categories drawn in favour of Registrar, IIMC New Delhi. Last date for receipt of application forms & DD is April 20, 2010.
3. Important : The sale of application forms will commence at IIMC New Delhi and Dhenkanal branch from 29 March 2010. Application form/entrance examination for course No. 1, 2 is common. There are separate application forms/entrance examinations for course No.3, 4 & 5. Candidates who wish to apply for all Courses Viz Journalism (course 1 & 2), Radio & TV Journalism (course No. 3) Advertising and Public Relations (course No. 4) and Oriya Journalism (Course No. 5) will have to fill separate application forms. Last date for issue of application forms in person/post is April 20, 2010. Completed application forms with DD should reach to Registrar, IIMC, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi-110067 on or before April 20, 2010.

Application Form: For Online Application Form Click

Indian Institute of Mass Communication
JNU new campus,
Aruna Asif Ali Road,
New Delhi – 110067, India.

Email: jaideepbhatnagar(AT)

Contact Numbers: 011-26741073, 26741352 (New Delhi) / 06762-226194, 226196 (Dhenkanal branch)



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