If you want your dreams to come true don’t oversleep come to experience the piquancy of this didactic, creative and informative coup. Zing your opponents and make a name for yourself in this zestful event of knowledge, technicality, melody and rhythm. ‘Coz if you won’t start you won’t make it to the top. Success is failure turned inside out – The silver tint of the clouds of doubt – And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit – It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.
Events at Zealicon 2010:
* Coderz – The computer events
* Robotiles – The robotics and related events
* Mechvoltz – The mechanical events
* Zwars – The literary events
* Play It On – The non-technical events
* Coloralo – The cultural events
Fest Dates: 19th – 21st March, 2010
Academy of Technical Education,
Sector-62, Noida
Email: zealicon10(AT)jssaten.ac
Source: http://zealicon.org/events/
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