Creative Writing Courses

Creative writing requires plenty of imagination, observation and the innate ability to paint word-pictures out of anything under the sun. All works of fiction, poetry, drama and other non-journalistic writings feature an amalgamation of these attributes. If there is a Wordsmith dwelling inside the confines of your heart, set him free so that he can engage his ingenuous talents in creative writing. However, you also need to learn when not to use a liberal sprinkling of words and when to use your imaginative power in order to make your work of art an enjoyable experience for the readers and yourself. For a formal training, willing students can enroll in several creative writing courses available in India.

Qualifications for Creative Writing Courses:
Although all of us who have had a formal education can write a smattering of words here and there, a course in creative writing streamlines the unorganized writer in us and helps us embark on the correct and desired path to a career of success.

A candidate must have passed the Higher Secondary or 10+2 examination with humanities or arts in order to apply for a Bachelors degree course in creative writing. For acquiring a Masters Degree in creative writing one must be a graduate in English, Comparative Literature or allied subjects. Besides these academic qualifications, a creative writer must have the flair and the panache for writing. He must also be pragmatic, able to conceive themes, ideate subjects, sell his work and have the nerve and patience to convince the world around of his work.

Benefits of Creative Writing Courses:
A person with appropriate skills and trained in creative writing courses can endear himself to millions of readers across the world with his writing dexterity and ability to lend color to his thoughts. A writer who is creatively geared can write different types of fiction, memoir, poetry, novel, non-Fiction, science-fiction, lyrics, play, script, travelogue and romance. S/he can also write features, interviews, criticism and reviews for newspapers, magazines and journals.

Creative Writing Courses in India:
Creative writing courses are offered by several institutes in India including the following:
The British Council located in all the major metro cities of India
Xavier's Institute of Communication, Mumbai
Central Institute of Indian Languages, Karnataka


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